Frequently Asked Questions

How is the parking?

There is angled parking outside of the building. In addition to this, there is street parking along the residential area.

Do I have to transfer my files?

If you were a previous patient of Dr. Tam or Dr. Choo, your records will be transferred automatically. If you are a new patient, you may meet with the physician to decide if this is necessary.

Are you taking new patients?

We are excited to introduce our new clinic to the community of Westmount. We hope to serve the community for years to come. As we settle into the clinic, this will be up to the physician’s discretion to take new patients.

I am a patient already, how do I get in contact with my physician?

Ideally booking an appointment is the best way to get in contact with your physician. If there are any after-hours concerns you can call the clinic at (780) 540-9406. During the day you can leave a message with the front staff if there is an emergency. We are also working on alternative means of communicating with our patients so that we can serve them better.